Henry May
Senior Research Specialist, CPRE
University of Delaware
Areas of Expertise
hmay@udel.eduHenry May, Ph.D. is director of the Center for Research in Education & Social Policy (CRESP) and associate professor at University of Delaware College of Education and Human Development. Prior to joining the UD faculty in 2012, Dr. May spent 14 years as a policy researcher at the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education, including 10 years as a senior researcher and statistician for the Consortium for Policy Research in Education (CPRE). May specializes in statistical and mixed methods for evaluating the impacts of social interventions and policies.
May has extensive experience collecting and analyzing survey and activity log data from large samples of teachers and schools. He has published numerous articles in peer-reviewed journals including Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, School Effectiveness and School Improvement, Education Finance and Policy, Education Administration Quarterly, the Elementary School Journal, the Journal of School Leadership, the American Journal of Evaluation, and the Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics. He was also the primary author on an NCEE Technical Methods report from the Institute of Education Sciences on the use of state test scores in education experiments. Over the past decade he has taught advanced statistics courses to graduate students at the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Delaware.