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Mathematics Education

Experimental Impacts of the Ongoing Assessment Project on Teachers and Students

Research Report

In this report describes the results of a rigorous two-year study of the impacts of a mathematics initiative called Ongoing Assessment Project (OGAP) on teacher and student learning in grades 3-5 in two Philadelphia area school districts. OGAP is a mathematics program which combines teacher formative assessment practices with knowledge of student developmental progressions to build deeper student understanding of mathematics content.

Cailen O'Shea

Assistant Professor at North Dakota State University
Consortium for Policy Research in Education

Dr. O'Shea earned his Ph.D in Educational Leadership and Higher Education in 2019 from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He received his Masters of Arts in Teaching of Middle Level Mathematics in 2016 and a Masters of Education in Educational Administration in 2014 from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Dr. O'Shea earned his Bachelor of Science in Education and Human Sciences in 2010 also from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Educational & Organizational Leadership at North Dakota State University.

New Study: Understanding TN district-led turnaround effort in iZone


For the past three years a team of researchers, led by Joshua Glazer (George Washington University Graduate School of Education and Human Development), examined Shelby County's iZone district-led effort to dramatically improve, or "turn around," 23 of the lowest performing schools in Tennessee.

Pathways for Analyzing and Responding to Student Work for Formative Assessment

Working Paper

This study explored how teachers interpreted and responded to their own student work during the process of formative assessment. The study involved a purposefully selected sample of 32 teachers in grades K-5 who had been trained by the Ongoing Assessment Project (OGAP) to use learning progressions to analyze and respond to evidence in student work.

The i3 Validation of SunBay Digital Mathematics

Research Report

Decades of research have emphasized the need for engaging, accessible ways to help students learn fundamental mathematical concepts. Research also shows that teacher beliefs about teaching and learning have an outsized influence on the quality and effectiveness of curricular interventions.

Enactment of Lessons from a Technology-Based Curriculum: The Role of Instructional Practices in Students’ Opportunity to Learn

Research Report

Digital tools and technology-based activities offer new and promising opportunities for students to actively explore mathematical concepts and ideas in ways supported by current reforms and visions of mathematics instruction. This report provides an in-depth look at the implementation of SunBay Digital Mathematics (SunBay Math) during the second year of an i3 validation project, in two large Florida districts.

Study reveals OGAP produced meaningful impacts on teacher knowledge and student learning


New report describes the results of a rigorous two-year study of the impacts of the Ongoing Assessment Project (OGAP), a mathematics initiative, on teacher and student learning in grades 3-5 in two Philadelphia area school districts. OGAP is a mathematics program which combines teacher formative assessment practices with knowledge of student developmental progressions to build deeper student understanding of mathematics content.

Janine Remillard

Senior Research Specialist, CPRE
University of Pennsylvania

Janine Remillard is an associate professor of mathematics education at the University of Pennsylvania’s Graduate School of Education. Her research interests include teachers’ interactions with mathematics curriculum materials, mathematics teacher learning in urban classrooms, and locally relevant mathematics instruction.

TASK Technical Report

Working Paper

This report reviews the development, piloting, and preliminary results from the large-scale field trial of the TASK Instrument (see In the first section, we review the need for an assessment of teachers’ capacity for learning trajectory-oriented instruction and the theoretical foundations that inform our work. We then describe the instrument and its development.


Consortium for Policy Research in Education

University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education
3440 Market Street, Suite 560
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Tel: 215.573.0700
Fax: 215.573.7914


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