Formative Assessment in the Classroom
Research on the Ongoing Assessment Project (OGAP)
January 2014—December 2023
OGAP Teacher PD in Philadelphia
About the Ongoing Assessment Project (OGAP)
Impact Study of OGAP on Teacher and Student Learning
Jonathan Supovitz, Janine Remillard, Caroline Ebby, Robert Nathenson
Systemic Formative Assessment to Promote Mathematics Learning in Schools
Jonathan Supovitz, Janine Remillard, Caroline Ebby, Adrianne Flack, Robert Nathenson, Brittany Hess, The Philadelphia Education Research Consortium (PERC)/Research for Action
Developing Formative Assessment Tools and Routines for Additive Reasoning (Grades K-2)
Caroline Ebby, Beth Hulbert, Brittany Hess
Report: Experimental Impacts of the Ongoing Assessment Project on Teachers and Students
Working Paper: Pathways for Analysing and Responding to Student Work for Formative Assessment
Ebby, C.B., Hulbert, E.T., and Fletcher, N. (2019). What can we learn from correct answers? Teaching Children Mathematics, 25 (6), 346-353.
Ebby, C.B. & Petit, M. (2017). Using learning trajectories to enhance formative assessment. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 22, 368-372.
Ebby, C.B., & Petit, M. (2018). Using learning trajectories to elicit, interpret and respond to student thinking. In E. A. Silver & V. L. Mills (Eds.), A Fresh Look at Formative Assessment in Mathematics Teaching (81-101). Reston, VA; National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
The National Science Foundation (NSF)