Heather C. Hill

Senior Research Specialist, CPRE
Harvard University
Areas of Expertise
heather_hill@gse.harvard.eduHeather C. Hill is a professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Her primary work focuses on developing new measures of mathematics teacher and teaching quality, and using these measures to inform current policies and instructional improvement efforts. From 2000 to 2010, she and colleagues developed an assessment of teachers’ mathematical knowledge for teaching (MKT) as well as an observational instrument to evaluate the mathematical quality of instruction (MQI) within classrooms. She is co-director of the National Center for Teacher Effectiveness and also principal investigator of a five-year study examining the effects of Marilyn Burns Math Solutions professional development on teaching and learning. Her other interests include instructional improvement efforts in mathematics and the role that language plays in the implementation of public policy. She has served as section chairs for the American Educational Research Association and Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness conferences, and on the editorial boards of Journal of Research in Mathematics Education and the American Educational Research Journal. She is the co-author, with David K. Cohen, of Learning policy: When State Education Reform Works (Yale Press, 2001).