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State Leadership Development Policies An Analysis of 50 States and Territories

Research Report

State Leadership Development Policies An Analysis of 50 States and Territories



State education systems to support leadership development have received relatively scant attention and resources, despite the demonstrated importance of leadership to school improvement. This need spurred the National Association of State Boards of Education (NASBE) to form a study group with its members and partner with the Consortium for Policy Research in Education (CPRE) to examine the problem from a state policy perspective; to offer a framework, guidance, and resources to help states develop and keep effective leaders; provide examples of practices for states; and share insights from partner organizations. The report, Successful Leaders for Successful Schools: Building and Maintaining a Quality Workforce, details findings that emerged from this work. As a companion piece to this work, State Leadership Development Policies -An Analysis of 50 States and Territories, presents a comprehensive picture of school leadership development policies across all 50 states and US territories. CPRE Researchers Bobbi Newman, Jonathan Supovitz, and Greg Collins, in collaboration with NASBE's Robert Hull and Stephen Prociw, produced an interactive report that seeks to operationalize the framework developed for state education agencies to improve the school leadership pipeline.

Researchers interviewed state board members and staff members from state education agencies to learn about their states' school leadership development policies and practices. Data collection questions focused on identifying the organizational and individual supports that states have established. State Leadership Development Policies -An Analysis of 50 States and Territories provides a wealth of information for state leaders interested in learning about a sample of each state's policies and programs that support the school leadership pipeline.

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Research Report

Bobbi Newman; Jonathan A. Supovitz; Stephen Prociw; Robert Hull; and Gregory Collins (2017). State Leadership Development Policies An Analysis of 50 States and Territories. CPRE Research Reports.

Consortium for Policy Research in Education

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