Amanda Datnow
Senior Research Specialist, CPRE
UC San Diego
Areas of Expertise
adatnow@ucsd.eduAmanda Datnow is a Professor in the Department of Education Studies and Associate Dean of the Division of Social Sciences at the University of California, San Diego. Her research focuses on educational reform and policy, particularly with regard to issues of equity and the professional lives of educators. Over the past decade, she has conducted numerous studies examining the use of data for instructional improvement, teacher collaboration, and leadership, as well as projects aimed at transformative educational change. She is also engaged in research-practice partnerships with local districts. Datnow’s work has been widely published in leading journals, and she is the author of eight books. Her most recent books are Professional Collaboration with Purpose: Teacher Learning for Equity and Excellence (2019) and Data Driven Leadership (2014), coauthored with Vicki Park. She serves on numerous journal editorial boards, as well as on boards and committees that promote equity and excellence in public education. She is deeply committed to impacting policy and practice and works with a variety of local, national, and international organizations to realize this goal.